December 10, 2024
Feast of Our Lady of Loreto
Dear Friend of Seton Academy,
Recently, I re-read a wonderful pastoral letter entitled “The Joy and Wonder of Catholic Education” composed by Bishop James Conley of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska in September of 2024. In the letter, Bishop Conley focuses on the goal of developing authentically Catholic schools. He states, “Education is the process of shaping us to fulfill the purpose of our lives; to know the happiness that comes from living in accord with our dignity and our nature. Education is the work of drawing out, developing, and learning to use our intellects, our memories, our wills, and our imaginations, to the fullness of their potential. Since education is the formation of human hearts, minds, and wills for the glory of their Creator…” True Catholic education is vital not only in forming our children in the Faith, but in preparing them for the challenges they will face in living out and bringing that Faith to others in this world. As I read through Bishop Conley’s wonderful explanation of what authentic Catholic education looks like in practice, I could not help but smile to myself as I mentally recounted example after example of how the Seton Academy community has exemplified his description every day for more than four decades.
According to Bishop Conley, Catholic schools should educate the ‘whole child’, in a way that leads the child to independent thinking, a sense of wonder about the world, and the realization that he is made in the image and likeness of God. The teachers in Catholic schools should guide the children to see that through Christ they can become who God is calling them to be. These teachers should also witness to the Faith by their examples, and strive to make personal connections with their students. The school community should work as a team, with respectful cooperation between staff, students, parents, and local bishops. The school environment should be beautiful, and full of reminders of the Catholic Faith. Technology should be minimized, while experiential learning should be used to strike the imagination. The Eucharist should be of central importance, and prayer woven seamlessly into daily routines. The curriculum should be integrated into a “bigger picture” that inspires curiosity in the children, and a desire for the good, the true, and the beautiful.
By the time I had finished the letter, the Seton Atrium flashed in my mind, with its gorgeous materials designed to acquaint the children with everything from the liturgical vessels and vestments, to the places where Jesus, Our Good Shepherd, lived and worked. I thought of the cornucopia of appealing works, calling the childrens’ curiosity towards mathematics, language, science, geography, and beyond. I thought of the forty-five little voices singing the Hail Mary in
French and Tagalog, and reciting the Angelus and Seton Academy Prayer every day. I thought of the older student in the hallway setting down his belongings to voluntarily help two smaller students hang their newly finished geography work on the wall. I thought of the discussions of “How did it feel to Noah and his family to be the only people still true to God?”, as well as the “Wait, how could that rocket get so far in our solar system? I thought thrusters couldn’t work in space…” that I overhear randomly throughout my morning. I recalled the fellowship between devout parents that I witness at Thursday morning coffees, our potluck-dances, and other events. I thought of the Seton staff members, who live their Faith with attendance at daily mass, prayerful attitudes, and Christ’s loving approach to the children. I felt joyful at the thought of Seton students frequently asking to go down to the church to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and faithfully genuflecting every time they cross the path of the Tabernacle.
These reflections make me feel so deeply grateful to the many people who have ensured the strength and enduring nature of Seton Academy’s identity as an authentically Catholic school: the founding parents, tireless Board members, committed families, and faithful donors who support our work. For forty-six years, these generous people have made the continued success of this mighty little school possible! I invite you to continue partnering with Seton Academy, to assure that our school, marked by the essential traits of Catholic education, continues to thrive and to improve well into the future. Through your material and prayerful support, we can continue to bring the goodness, beauty, and truth of our Faith to as many families as possible. As always, we will continue to pray for Seton Academy’s many benefactors. Thank you, and may God bless you this Advent.
Joyfully in Christ,
Anne Marie Sowinski